
Meadows Valley School District

Preparing all students for life’s requirements, adventures and challenges



Meadows Valley School District #11, Adams County, Idaho is accepting proposals from interested parties for snow removal of parking lots, entries, and exits for the 2023-2024, 2024-2025, 2025-2026 seasons. The deadline for submitting proposals is October 18, 2023.

Proposals are to be delivered to Carol Whitney, District Business Manager/Clerk, Meadows Valley School District #11, PO Box F, New Meadows, ID 83654.

Inquiries may be directed to Carol Whitney or Dee Fredrickson, Superintendent at (208) 347-2411.

This agreement will be for the 2022-2023, 2023-2024, 2024-2025 school years.
Proposals shall be submitted for snow removal service for an annual fee.

Parking lots, bus lanes around the building, rental property and entryways of the building.
Ice/snow chunks that slide from roof.

TIME: – work is to be completed by 6:30am each day of school.
4” accumulation of snow is the standard that the District will use as to when snow removal should take place.

Snow removal for extra-curricular activities shall be on an as-needed basis at the discretion of the building administrator and is to be included in the contract proposal. One time snow removal of roof slippage from the front yard in spring is to be included in the contract proposal. No snow plowed into the Northeast corner of the building. A list of equipment that will be used for snow removal shall be submitted with the proposal. Equipment and its upkeep shall be the contractor’s responsibility. Contractor must carry $500,000 liability insurance coverage. Certificate of insurance must be made available to be kept on file with the District’s business office. The Board of Trustees has the right to accept or reject all proposals submitted.

Dated this 2nd day of October, 2023
Carol Whitney, Business Manager/Clerk
Meadows Valley School District #11
Adams County, Idaho


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